Intellectual Property


The company QUADRANTE - ENGENHARIA E CONSULTORIA S.A., with registered office at Rua do Aleixo, nº 53, r/c, Lote A, 4150-043 Porto ("Quadrante"), is the sole owner of this website.

The content of this website, including trademarks, drawings, logos, texts, images, audio and video materials, is property of Quadrante Group, except for those who source is mentioned, and is protected under the general terms of law and by the national and international legislation on intellectual property.

You may not display, reproduce, distribute, modify, transmit or otherwise use the content of this website in any way, for any purpose, without the express prior written consent of Quadrante Group.

You may download to your computers or print any part of the material contained in this website, provided that (i) it is not modified, (ii) it is for personal and non-commercial use and (iii) it contains a reference to the source and the owner of copyright.